
ROVER! Sit … sit! Why doesn’t he listen? Sit! Good boy! Stay … staaaay … no, not the ball! I shouldn’t’ve thrown the damn thing in the first place … no … don’t run off again! Wait … he’s back … come … sit … siiiiiiit … hang on … how do you take a photo on this phone, anyway? Aaaaghhhh … he’s gone again!

Sound familiar?

I’m a dog owner and I know how hard it is getting a photo of them, especially when you’re out and about – and that’s when they look their best!

Blurry? Just their tail? Missed them completely?

Are they moving too fast?

And the colours – they’re not quite right.

Maybe they’re too interested in you (or that damn ball) to pose for the camera!

Well … that’s where I can help!

I offer a full range of services, including the location of your choice for the shoot – the woods, the beach or even your garden. The best place will be where your dog enjoys going on walks, simply because that’s where they already feel comfortable and won’t be put off by my presence.

Just interact with your dog and I’ll be busy taking photographs of your dog doing what they do best – having fun with you!

Dogs. Easy.

Cats. Hmmm

… they’re quite a different kettle of fish.

Look, there’s no two ways about it. There’s no point asking me to come until you’ve checked their diary and if they’re available. Then, you’ll have to find out if they’re willing to sit and pose for me. Finally, and most importantly, please (PLEASE!) treat them nicely beforehand. I’d like my hands to remain unscathed and I definitely don’t want a feline diva giving me attitude!

I’m not experienced in taking portraits of any exotic pets, but, being up close and personal with crocodiles, pythons or lions? Come on … what’s the worst thing that can happen?

I have a full range of photographic products for you to choose from, such as a wide selection of prints and canvas prints, digital versions, mugs, photobooks or albums and more.

RawEnergy RawEmotion RawPhotography