“Look! Just sit there and smile! It’s only for a minute! All I want to do is take a PHOTO!“
“But mum, you’ve taken loads already.”
“I need a nice one! One where you’re not pulling a stupid face! Now, just behave, will you!”

Been there. Done that. My children like to pull stupid faces and muck about too. It’s nothing personal, it’s just because you’re their parent.

I can be there for any occasion, including formal and the not so special. This might be an officially organised event, or just an informal get-together. Often, it’s the ‘not so special’ times that get those great, natural photos. Groups, dog walks, trips to the beach, birthdays, gatherings, only mates or even work colleagues (yeah, we know they’re not proper friends, but a works do is usually a good laugh).

I offer a wide range of styles for the sessions – formally posed, candid shots and, of course, people ‘mucking around’.
We can meet almost anywhere to take the photos, eg, your house or garden, the local park, down the beach, etc.

A style I really like is the photo collage, where individual photos are combined to make a larger photo. As I’m only taking one photo at a time we don’t get the usual ‘group shot’ problems, such as one person blinking, not looking, they’re talking, etc. Also, you can appear to interact with each other by looking in a different direction and not at the camera.